REV. HIRAM HUNTINGTON KELLOGG {1387} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a>, son of Capt. Aaron {442} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i>, b. in Clinton, 26 Feb. 1803; m. in Augusta, N. Y., 13 Oct. 1829, Mary Gleason Chandler, b. in Augusta, 17 Nov. 1808, dau. of Samuel Chandler, b. in Woodstock, Conn., 3 Sept. 1775, and Abigail Durkee, b. in Washington, Conn., 29 Feb. 1780.

She d. Sept. 1879, in Mount Forest, Ill.; he d. 1 Jan. 1880, in the same place.

He was a graduate of Harvard College, 1822; Auburn Theological Seminary, 1826; he took charge of Washington Academy, Tazewell Co., Ill., in 1861; was later a city missionary in Chicago; losing his voice, which prevented his preaching, he devoted his attention to teaching in 1876 in Guthrie, Ia.; conducted a boarding school in Mount Forest, near Chicago; he was the first president of Knox College, Galesburg, Ill.; was a Presbyterian minister for fifty years.


SUSAN HUNTINGTON {3747} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10a>, b. in Augusta, 28 Sept. 1830; m. (1) Rev. Joseph Walworth Sutphen; (2) Rev. Homer Bartlett Morgan.

CHARLES CHANDLER {3748} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10b>, b. in Clinton, 2 Apr. 1833; d. in Galesburg, Ill., 26 June 1845.

MARY AUGUSTA {3749} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10c>, b. 14 Sept. 1834; res. in Chicago; was a teacher; d. 16 Nov. 1895.

AARON WINTHROP {3750} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10d>, b. 6 Nov. 1835; m. Sarah Emeline Allen.

HIRAM WINSLOW {3751} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10e>, b. 9 Sept. 1837; d. in Clinton, 9 Jan. 1838.

JULIA CHANDLER {3752} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10f>, b. in Clinton, 14 Aug. 1838; a teacher; res. unm., in Godfrey, Ill.

SAMUEL CHANDLER {3753} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10g>, b. 3 Oct. 1839; d. in Marshall, N. Y., 12 Jan. 1855.

HIRAM HUNTINGTON {3754} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10h>, b. in Galesburg, 23 Jan. 1842; m. Mary Elizabeth Jacks.

SOPHIA STURGES {3755} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10i>, b. 12 June 1845; in 1901, a teacher in Bethlehem, Pa.

HENRY WAYNE {3756} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10j>, b. 8 Jan. 1847; m. Margaret Guthrie.

EMILY ABIGAIL {3757} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a.10k>, b. in Clinton, 3 Sept. 1848; was principal of Mount Forest Home School, near Chicago; a graduate of the Monticello Seminary, Godfrey, Ill.; belonged to a number of Illinois women's press associations; first editor of the Kindergarten; was a contributor to various literary journals; d. in Chicago, 30 June, 1893.