CAPT. AARON KELLOGG {442} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i>, son of Amos {126} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i>, b. in Sheffield, 19 July 1762; m. about 1786, Susan Huntington Branch, b. in Vermont, about 1765, dau. of Amaziah Branch, of Shaftsbury, Vt., b. in Preston, Conn., 14 July 1741, and Sarah Huntington, b. in Norwich, Conn., 1733.

He d. in Clinton, 8 May 1835; she d. Jan. 1838.

In the autumn of 1787 he rem. from Sheffield to what is now Kirtland (Clinton Village), N. Y. in company with his brother, Amos, where he res. until his death. He was a farmer and known as Captain from his position in the militia. He was a revolutionary soldier, serving in Capt. Roswell Downing's Co., 29 July to 27 Aug. 1779; in Capt. John Carpenter's Co., guarding stores in Springfield, 30 Sept. to 30 Dec. 1779.


HIRAM HUNTINGTON {1387} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8i.9a>, b. in Clinton, N. Y., 26 Feb. 1803; m. Mary Gleason Chandler.