ENSIGN JONATHAN KELLOGG {294} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7c.8a>, son of Capt. Joseph {71} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7c>, b. in Northfield, 23 Aug. 1721; m. in Suffield, 13 Jan. 1741, Lucy Kent, b. 27 Sept. 1724, dau. of Samuel Kent,[1] b. 14 Dec. 1698, and Abia Dwight, b. 17 Feb. 1704.
She was appointed administratrix of his estate, Apr. 1748.
His father, in his will dated 2 Dec. 1751, gives land to ";my grandson Joseph Kellogg, son of my son Jonathan Kellogg, perhaps deceased, etc.";
In 1735-36, private; 1738-39, Ensign under his father at Fort Dummer; Capt. in First Massachusetts Reg. in Gen. Pepperell's expedition against Louisburg, 1745; date of commission, 16 Oct. 1744. She m. (2) Timothy Mather.
Children (born in Suffield):
JOSEPH {874} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7c.8a.9a>, b. 14 Oct. 1742; m. Lucy Warner.
LUCY {875} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7c.8a.9b>, b. 28 Aug. 1744; m. Timothy Wells.