SARAH KELLOGG {720} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7h.8a>, dau. of Ezra {230}, b. ---; m. (1) --- Torry. He d. ---; she m. (2) as his second wife, Elihu Strong; he d. ---; she m. (3) Roger Clapp.

Child by second husband:

Joseph Strong {2136} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7h.8a.9a>, b. 11 Oct. 1778; m. 1799, Phebe Pomeroy; rem. from Southampton, Mass., to the vicinity of New York City about 1828; d. 17 Apr. 1842; she d. 4 May 1838; had three children.

Child by third husband:

Russell Clapp {2137} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7h.8a.9b>, b. 7 Mar. 1786; m. Oct. 1811, Louisa Strong, b. 14 May 1788, dau. of Roswell Strong and Nancy Pomeroy; d. in Liberty, O., Dec. 1854; she d. 9 Apr. 1855.