JUDAH KELLOGG {713} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g.8a>, son of John {229} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g>, b. in Colchester, 8 Mar. 1739; m. about 1768, Mary Tomlinson, bap. Nov. 1744, dau. of Zachariah Tomlinson and Sarah Morse, of Stratford, Conn.
He d. in Cornwall, Conn., 20 Apr. 1819, aged 80; she d. there, 24 Aug. 1836, aged 93.
After she was ninety years old, she frequently walked two miles to church, being timid about riding.
He was graduated from Yale, 1761; practiced law a few years in Stratford, Conn., but abandoned it on account of religious scruples. Her father gave them seven hundred and fifty acres of land in Litchfield Co., and they rem, to Cornwall, where they spent the rest of their lives. He was a farmer; was elected Town Clerk in 1776. and hold that office until 1810; was chosen Representative to the Connecticut Assembly fifteen times, consecutively; was a Justice of the Peace; deacon in the Congregational Church forty years. Because of his liberal education his advice in legal matters was often sought.
WILLIAM {2106} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g.8a.9a>, b. in Stratford, 1769; m. Demis Swift.
JOHN {2107} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g.8a.9b>, b. in Cornwall, 22 Sept. 1777; m. Mary Clark.
LUCIUS {2108} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g.8a.9c>, b. in Cornwall, 1782; m. Harriet Whitney.
MARY {2109} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g.8a.9d>, b. in Cornwall, 6 July, 1783; m. Eliphalet Hull Shepard.