DAVID KELLOGG {708} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c>, son of Abner {228} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f>, b. in Colchester, 26 Aug. 1744, where he was bap. 2 Sept. 1744; m. (1) Elinor Williams, b. in Lebanon, 12 Mar. 1747, dau. of Isaiah Williams, of Lebanon, and Jerusha ---.
She d. in Essex, Vt., 10 May 1805; he m. (2) 20 Jan. 1807, Sarah Redington Tyler, of Vergennes; d. 10 Mar. 1826, aged 81; she d. 12 Apr, 1844, aged 86. He res. in Colchester until about 1771, when he rem. to Lee,[1][ ] Mass. In 1773 he lived on the Glass Works Grant, in Lee, east of Stockbridge. In 1786 he rem. to Essex, Vt., where he d.
His estate was distributed 17 May 1828, to the following: The heirs of Ira Kellogg, Rhoda Lawrence, Russell Kellogg, Adosia Post or heirs, Nancy Thompson, Wealthy Aubery or heirs, and Hannah Aubery.
2063 LYDIA {2063} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9a>, b. 4 Oct. 1766; bap. in Colchester, 5 June 1768; m. --- Pierce.
RHODA {2064} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9b>, b. 24 Sept. 1768; m. Stephen Lawrence.
RUSSELL {2065} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9c>, b. 1 June 1770; m. Elizabeth Atherton.
ADOSIA {2066} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9d>, b. 27 Mar. 1772; m. Ichabod Post.
DAVID {2067} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9e>, b. 5 Jan. 1775; m. Maria Henrietta Wells.
WEALTHY {2068} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9f>, b. 15 May 1777; m. John F. Aubery.
HANNAH {2069} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9g>, b. 18 July 1779; m. John F. Aubery.
IRA {2070} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9h>, b. 10 July 1781; m. Nancy Matthews.
OTIS {2071} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9i>, b. 23 Mar. 1783; m. (1) Mabel Thompson; (2) Almeda Butler.
LAURA {2072} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9j>, b. ---; d. unm.
NANCY {2073} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f.8c.9k>, b. ---; m. Ebenezer E. Thompson.