LIEUT. NATHANIEL KELLOGG {693} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f>, son of Corp. Nathaniel (225} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c>, b. in Colchester, 10 July 1739; m. (1) 12 Jan. 1769, Hannah Barnard Hastings, b. 16 Mar. 1742, dau. of Dr. Waitstill Hastings, of Hatfield, b. 3 Jan. 1714, and Abigail Marsh, dau. of John Marsh and Hannah Barnard.

She d. 12 Dec. 1788; he m. (2) 1 July 1795, Mrs. Lydia (Sargent) Watson, b. 22 July 1743, widow of Johnson Watson, of Leicester, Mass., and dau. of Nathan Sargent, of Leicester, and Mary ---.

He d. in Dalton, 8 Aug. 1808; she d. 23 May 1816.

In his will, dated 6 July 1808, proved 6 Sept., same year, he mentioned his wife Lydia, son Charles, daus. Polly Hill, Elizabeth Sackett and Sophia Hall.

He rem. from Colchester to Dalton (Dalton was incorporated in 1784) about 1776. He held several town offices; was a surveyor of land and served as Lieut, in Capt. Strong's Co., Col. Brown's Reg., 30 June to 26 July 1777, in the Berkshire Co. Reg.

Children, first four b. in Colchester, others in Dalton.

HANNAH BARNARD {2056} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9a>, b. 25 Aug. 1769; m. 29 Nov. 1787, Reuben Gunn; d. in Dalton, Nov. 1788; had no children.

BETTE {2057} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9b>, b. ---; d. young.

ELIZABETH {2058} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9c>, b. 9 Dec. 1772; m. 12 Jan. 1793, Solomon Sackett; d. 6 July 1849, aged 76; had no children.

NATHANIEL {2059} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9d>, b. 19 Sept. 1774; m. Prudence Knowles.

MARY (POLLY) HASTINGS {2060} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9e>, b. 28 Feb. 1776; m. (1) Lemuel Baldwin Clark; (2) Ensign Hill.

SOPHIA {2061} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9f>, b. 18 Jan. 1780; m. John Hall.

CHARLES {2062} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c.8f.9g>, b. 5 Aug. 1782; m. Martha Foote.