LIEUT. NATHANIEL KELLOGG {52} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b>, son of Samuel {20} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f>, h. in Hatfield, 4 June 1671; m. (1) Margaret ---; she d. 15 Dec. 1747, aged 71; he m. (2) 29 May 1748, Mrs. Priscilla Williams of Colchester.

He d. 22 Aug. 1757, aged 86; the record of his death states that he had been that morning in town.

The town of Colchester granted, 16 Mar. 1703-04, to "Nathaniel Kellogg and Samuel Pellet liberty to set up a sawmill on ye brook Caled ye gouvernors Brook & thay to have ye streame so long thay maintaine a sawmill there & to have it goinge at or before ye last of September next".

"Nathaniell Kalodg" was chosen Way Warden, 18 Dec. 1704. He was chosen Collector 1711; on committee to lay out convenient "Highwaise", 31 Dec. 1712. At a meeting 1 Oct. 1711, "the town considering the great necessity of a schole howse," appointed him one of the committee to finish a frame given by Capt. Gilbert to the town, and "to hire a school master as spedy as they can conveniently for this winter", and at the same meeting he was appointed, with Sergt. Pratt, to lay out a highway "from north end of the town unto Jeremiahs & make return to the towne". He was made a joint proprietor of Colchester, 8 Apr. 1713.

The town granted to him and three others, 23 Sept. 1720, liberty of the stream running through Jonathan Kellogg's meadow, with ten acres of land for a sawmill or gristmill. He was appointed 14 Sept. 1730, with Capt. Wright, a committee to arrange with Col. Isaac Lothrop, of Plymouth, Mass., for exchange of his land so as to complete agreement as to Lebanon boundary.

His will, dated 27 Apr. 1756, proved in 1757, mentions his wife Priscilla, his son John, daus., Margaret Campfield, Edith Pratt and Lydia Hopson, and grandchildren, Charles Kellogg, of Bolton, Nathaniel Kellogg, Elizabeth Clark, Sarah Bingham, Delight Andrus, Margaret Webb, Ann Kellogg, David, Ezra, Abner, Rachael, Lydia, Margaret, Sarah, Oliver and Russell Kellogg, and Sarah Crocker, and his daughter-in-law, Lydia Kellogg.

Children (first two born in Hadley, others in Colchester):

MARGARET {223} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7a>, b. 15 Feb. 1697-98; m. --- Campfield.

EDITHA {224} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7b>, b. 13 Nov. 1699; m. Joseph Pratt.

NATHANIEL {225} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7c>, b. in Colchester, 8 May 1703; m. Elizabeth Williams.

SARAH {226} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7d>, b. 27 Dec. 1707; m. Rev. Judah Lewis.

LYDIA {227} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7e>, b. 29 May 1710; m. (1) John Hopson; (2) Henry Bliss.

ABNER {228} <1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7f>, b. about 1716; m. Lydia Otis.

JOHN {229} <<1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7g>, b. about 1717; m. Mary Newton.

EZRA {230} <<1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6b.7h>, b. 6 Sept. 1724; m. Ruth Wells.