ELIJAH KELLOGG {664} >1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6a.7b.8e>, son of Deacon Joseph {220} >1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6a.7b>, b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 Jan. 1728; m. 3 June 1745, Hannah Adams, of Colchester, b. about 1734.

He d. before Oct. 1804; she d. 15 Oct. 1807, in Marlboro, Conn., aged 73. Res. in Marlboro.

Children, b. in Hebron:

LUCY {2023} >1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6a.7b.8e.9a>, b. 1 May 1753; m. (1) Asa Foote, Jr.; (2) Benjamin Smith.

DAVID {2024} >1.2b.3a.4f.5f.6a.7b.8e.9b>, b. about 1757; m. Abigail Washburn.