BENJAMIN KELLOGG {218} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6i.7g>, son of Joseph {50} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6i>, b. in Norwalk, 26 Sept. 1717; [1] m. abt, 1742, Lydia Knapp, b. 1721 in Norwalk, Conn.
He d. 8 May 1758 after falling out of a canoe and drowning whilst collecting oysters; she d. 29 May 1809.
He prob. rem. to South East [2] in Duchess County, N. Y., but was in Norwalk when he d.
JONATHAN {652} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6i.7g.8a>, b.---; m. .
BENJAMIN {651} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6i.7g.8b>, b. abt. 1753 in South East, N. Y.; m. 5 Feb., 1789, Lois Keeler, dau. of Paul Keeler and Sarah Wood, bap. 23 Oct. 1757 in South Salem, N. Y.; he d. abt. 1794; she d. 1 Jun 1829 in South Salem.