REV. EBENEZER KELLOGG {547} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e>, son of Daniel {199} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a>, b. in Norwalk, Conn., 5 Apr. 1737; m. 20 Oct. 1763, Hannah Wright, b. in Stamford, Conn., 11 Jan. 1740, dau. of Rev. Ebenezer Wright, b. in Wethersfield, Conn., 2 Oct. 1706, and Hannah Allyn, b. in Wethersfield, 17 May 1705, dau. of Joseph and Mary Allyn.

She d. 7 June 1807, aged 67; he d. 3 Sept. 1817, aged 80.

He graduated from Yale College, 1757; was ordained as first pastor in North Bolton, Conn. (now Vernon), 24 Nov. 1762. His homestead, about three quarters of a mile east of the present church in Vernon Center, was occupied by his son, Thomas W., until 1837; then by his grandson, Hubbard, until 1874.

He continued nearly fifty-five years in the work of the ministry in Vernon. His salary was fixed at £70 yearly, equivalent to $233.33, which he drew for forty-five years. In early life he was of slender constitution, but became vigorous and stoutly built; his labors suffering but little interruption from illness until a few months previous to his death. According to the custom of the times he had a farm which he successfully managed. He held a respectable position among the ministers in his vicinity, being known as a peacemaker and esteemed as ";a theologian of sound judgment and of a discriminating mind.";

Children, b. in Vernon:

EBENEZER {1694} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9a>, b. 21 Oct. 1764; m. (1) Abigail Olmsted; (2) Hannah Olmsted; (3) Elizabeth Sheldon.

DANIEL {1695} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9b>, b. 25 June 1766; m. Susanna Griggs.

HANNAH {1696} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9c>, b. 24 May 1768; m. Phineas Talcott.

THOMAS WRIGHT {1697} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9d>, b. 24 June 1770; m. Mary Hubbard.

EUNICE {1698} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9e>, b. 15 Nov. 1773; m. Dr. Scottoway Hinkley.

ELIZABETH {1699} <1.2b.3a.4f.5e.6e.7a.8e.9f>, b. 9 Nov. 1781; d. 15 July, 1784.