SILAS KELLOGG {526} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a>, son of Joseph {172} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b>, b. in Colchester, Conn., 25 Aug. 1742; m. 21 June 1768, Sarah Cook, b. 1751.
He d. 11 Dec. 1812; she d. 1 Sept. 1825.
He was an innkeeper in Connecticut; rem. to Colerain,[1] Mass., about 1774. He was a soldier in the revolution; enlisted 5 Feb. 1778, as an artificer in Col. Jeduthan Baldwin's Reg.; was described as being six feet high; light complexioned, blue eyes and brown hair. He was a farmer, but could turn his hand to almost any mechanical work.
MARY (MOLLY) {1589} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9a>, b. 26 Aug. 1769; m. (1) Capt. John Morrison; (2) Ebenezer Baker.
JOSEPH {1590} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9b>, b. 2 Dec. 1770; d. 9 Mar. 1772.
SARAH {1591} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9c>, b. 11 July 1772; m. Samuel Newton.
ESTHER {1592} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9d>, b. ---; m. Willabe Millard; d. ---; had no children; he m. (2) ---.
JOSEPH {1593} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9e>, b. 12 Jan. 1778; m. Sarah Voorhies.
BENJAMIN {1594} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6p.7b.8a.9f>, b. 22 Nov. 1783; m. Huldah Goodrich.