LEVI HENRY KELLOGG {3696} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8a.9c.10d>, son of Amasa {1347} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8a.9c>, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 24 Aug. 1817; m. in Monroe, Mich., 25 Dec. 1839, Helen Barnard, b. Apr. 1818, dau. of Truman Barnard and Lucretia Pease.

He d. in Milwaukee, Wis., 13 Dec. 1873; she d. there, 8 Sept., 1897.

At an early age he lived in Whitesboro, N. Y.; about 1833 rem. to Monroe, Mich.; undertook the trip alone with his team and was three weeks on the way. He rem. thence, in 1846, to Milwaukee. He was an extensive operator as a forwarding and commission merchant. In 1848 he was in the firm of Kellogg & Strong, then Kellogg & Mann, and later L. H. Kellogg & Co. (H. B., his son, being partner). In the spring of 1873, he was elected Mayor of Milwaukee, but he refused to qualify. When elected, he was an Alderman, and there was a question whether holding the one office he was eligible to the other.


HENRY BARNARD {8780} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8a.9c.10d.11a>, b. in Monroe, 13 May 1846; m. Eunice Elizabeth Langworthy.

HELEN LILLA {8781} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8a.9c.10d.11b>, b. in Milwaukee, 29 May 1853; d. there, 11 Jan. 1871.

JOSEPH BRADFORD {8782} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7j.8a.9c.10d.11c>, b. in Milwaukee, 25 May 1858; d. 10 Jan. 1883.