CAPT. ELISHA KELLOGG {1299} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j>, son of Enos {426} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b>, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 30 Nov. 1783; m. (1) 24 Sept. 1809, Elizabeth Derrick, b. 2 Mar., 1792.
She d. in Morgan Co., Ill., 15 May 1832; he m. (2) in 1833, Mrs. Mary Mills; d. in Jo Daviess Co., Ill., 24 Aug. 1842.
He was a Capt. of infantry in the war of 1812, and was in the battles of Black Rock, Fort Erie and several others; he was Sheriff of Genesee Co. He was Capt. in a company with Lieut. Worthy L. Churchill, which was ordered to march to Buffalo early in Dec. 1813; was a pensioner of the war of 1812. He and his brother, Seymour, settled in Morgan Co., Ill. in 1819, where there were not any white neighbors nearer than thirty miles. He was in the Black Hawk War.
Children (first five born in Batavia, N. Y., others in Morgan Co., Ill.):
PHILANDER ELISHA {3557} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10a>, b. 17 June 1810; m. Lucinda Jane Wilcox.
ORVILLE ENOS {3558} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10b>, b. 22 Dec. 1811; m. Susan Jane Anderson.
ABIGAIL ELIZABETH <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10c>, b. 24 Mar. 1814; m. John Williams.
FLORENTINE ERWIN {3560} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10d>, b. 1 Jan. 1816; m. (1) Rebecca Jane Williams; (2) Mrs. Martha Jane (Williams) Ellison; (3) Olivia M. Cramer.
SOPHIA EMELINE {3561} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10e>, b. 17 Jan. 1818; m. John Deeds.
ANGELINE ELEANOR {3562} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10f>, b. 21 Dec. 1820; d. 2 July 1821.
BENJAMIN FRANKLIN EPHRAIM {3563} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10g>, b. 30 Apr. 1822; m. Mary Orilla Lillie.
SARAH ANGELINE {3564} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7i.8b.9j.10h>, b. 5 Jan. 1824; d. 1 Aug. 1831.