CALVIN KELLOGG {3408} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h>, son of Aaron {1264} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a>, b. in Locke, N. Y., 19 May 1808; m. Sally Jane Davis, b. 26 May 1812, dau. of William Davis, b. 5 May 1777, and Alice Bartoo, b. 14 Dec. 1783, who celebrated her one hundredth birthday in 1883, at which time, of her one hundred and thirty-three descendants, representatives of five generations were present.
He d. in Rushford, N. Y., 30 Sept. 1883; she d. there, 12 Mar. 1891.
He had a saw and shingle mill; res. in Locke, Freedom, Eden, Caneadea and Rushford, N. Y., from 1861 until his death. He was a Baptist, a Republican and later a Prohibitionist.
ALFRED RILEY {8195} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11a>, b. in Freedom, 14 Sept. 1831; m. Mariette Bannister.
CORNELIUS L. {8196} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11b>, b. in Freedom, 26 Mar. 1834; m. Betsey B. Bacon.
HIRAM {8197} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11c>, b. in Sandusky, N. Y., 8 Apr. 1836; m. Sophia Clarissa Chaffee.
AARON DEMERY {8198} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11d>, b. in Eden, 26 Aug. 1838; m. Loduyska Dutton.
PHILANDER {8199} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11e>, b. in Eden, 8 Aug. 1841; d. unm., 3 May 1863, in Chancellorsville, Va.; was a private in the Sixty-fourth Volunteer Reg. in the civil war; was a lumberman and a farmer of Rushford.
ORLENA LEOLINE {8200} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7h.8a.9a.10h.11f>, b. in Eden, 23 Aug. 1843; m. Wilber S. Chamberlain.