WAYNE RILEY KELLOGG {} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7a.8d.9e.10g.11g.12d.13d>, dau. of Phelps Almond {14940} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7a.8d.9e.10g.11g.12d>, b. 9 Sep. 1909 in Buckeye, Ia.; m. 20 Sep. 1931 in Rose Grove Township, Ia., Marion Edmundia Knickerbocker, dau. of Gesley G. Knickerbocker and Clara Stipp, b. 20 Sep. 1913 in Radcliffe, Ia.

He d. 22 Sep. 1996 in Ashland, Ore.; she d. 1 June 2001 there; had three children.

He was a carpenter and a cereal manufacturer distributor, served in World War II; rem. to Van Nuys, Cal. before 1970, Medord, Ore. before 1996.


LARRY GESLEY {} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7a.8d.9e.10g.11g.12d.13d.14a>, b. 20 Apr. 1932 in Alden, Ia.; iprob. m. 1 June 1963 in Los Angeles, Cal., Judith Arlene Fretz, dau. of Walter H. Fretz and Mary A. Knight, b. 1 Jan. 1938; rem. to several Southern Cal. residences and to Ashland, Ore. abt. 1995; deaths unknown; children unknown.

SHARON K. {} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7a.8d.9e.10g.11g.12d.13d.14b>, b. 1937, stillborn.

ROSEMARY ELAINE {} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7a.8d.9e.10g.11g.12d.13d.14c>, b. 18 Apr. 1940 in Webster City, Ia., m. unknown.