ELIJAH KELLOGG {328} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d>, son of Edward {83} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i>, b. 1751; m. Tryphenia Westover, b. 1753, dau. of Nathaniel Westover.

She d. 29 Mar. 1815, aged 62; he d. 14 Feb. 1819, aged 68.

He res. in Sheffield; is said to have gone to Shoreham, Vt. in 1766 with twelve or fourteen others, among whom were Col. Doolittle and Paul Moore. He returned to Sheffield and lived there until after the revolutionary war; afterward returned to Shoreham, where he d. He was a soldier in the revolutionary war; served at various times in 1777, '78 and '81. He was one of Ethan Allen's party when Fort Ticonderoga was captured. The Vermont Gazette, vol. 1, p. 94, says that Elias Kellogg of Shoreham was the first, after Allen and Arnold, to enter the fort. (Elias is probably an error for Elijah.) During the war he was taken prisoner and confined three months in Fort Ticonderoga, from which he escaped with two men named Hall.

Children (first three born in Sheffield, others in Shoreham):

MARY (POLLY) {936} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9a>, b. 11 Oct. 1776; m. Daniel Kellogg {1260} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6j.7e.8h.9b>.

SYLVESTER {937} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9b>, b. in Sheffield, Mass., 26 Jan. 1780; m. Sophia Crawford.

ELI {938} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9c>, b. ---; he went to Boston and was overseer in the erection of the State prison in Charlestown; was several years commissary of that prison; went to New Orleans and was engaged in shipping goods to Spain. The following notice of his death appeared in the Connecticut Courant, 18 Dec. 1811: "Died in Washington Co., Mississippi Territory on the 18th of Oct., last, Mr. Eli Kellogg, from some part of New England. He was much esteemed, and died lamented by those who knew him. His death was occasioned by severe cold, caught in a severe storm to which he was exposed, together with a fall from his horse, at the time, which wounded him internally. He survived this fall but a few days. He was interred with every mark of respect by his surrounding friends. Two or three hundred dollars, it is supposed, may be collected for his heirs from the property he has left in that Territory, which was left in an unsettled state. The above information was received by the subscriber in a letter from John Culler, Esq., Chief Justice of Washington County (Mississippi Territory), to be communicated to the friends of Mr. Kellogg and who being unknown to me, this method is adopted to convey to them the melancholy intelligence.
JED'H MORSE, Charleston, November 29, 1811."

DANIEL NEWTON {939} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9d>, b. 4 May 1785; m. Sarah Newton; (2) Sarah Towner.

LUCRETIA {940} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9e>, b. ---; m. Philip Leonard; rem. to Ohio; had two daus.

HULDAH {941} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7i.8d.9f>, b. 1791; m. Seymour Wolcott.