EPHRAIM KELLOGG {81} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7g>, son of Edward {27} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f>, b. 19 Apr. 1707; m. about 1737, Lydia Sawtelle, dau. of Josiah Sawtelle and Lydia Parker.

He d. in the army during the French and Indian war, before 14 Feb. 1758, when his son, Josiah, chose a guardian.

He res. in Northfield, Shutesbury, Sunderland and probably other towns in that vicinity He was in the garrison at Fort Dummer, under Capt. Joseph Kellogg, from 23 Dec. 1733, to 30 Nov. 1740; also in Capt. Reed's company, Col. Ruggles' regiment, in the expedition against Crown Point, Oct. 1756; was discharged at Albany.

She was granted a divorce in 1756.

Her mother conveyed to her, 14 May 1756, her home in Sunderland for £100.


JOSIAH {307} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7g.8a>, b. about 1740; killed in the army, 7 July 1759. He enlisted in Lieut. Chadwick's Company, Col. Ruggles' Regiment, 6 Apr. 1759, for service under Gen. Amherst for the invasion of Canada; was reported apprenticed to Joseph Smith.

WILLIAM {308} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7g.8b>, b. about 1743; bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug. 1749; m. Bathsheba Karley.

JONATHAN SAWTELLE {309} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7g.8c>, bap. in Sunderland, 20 Aug. 1749.

PRESERVED {310} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6f.7g.8d>, b. ---.