REBECCA KELLOGG {284} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h>, dau. of Capt. Martin {69} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a>, b. 11 June 1732; m. Gamaliel Demming, b. 1728.

He d. 19 Dec. 1802; she d. 27 Aug. 1816.

They res. in Wethersfield until 1774; rem. to Walpole, N. H. In 1778 rem. to Arlington, Vt., where both d.

Children (born in Wethersfield):

Mary Demming {866} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9a>, b. 1754; m. Timothy Kilburn; res. in Wethersfield.

Rebecca Demming {867} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9b>, b. 1756; m. Joseph Curtis; d. 12 Mar. 1822; res. in Egremont, Mass.; had five children.

Sarah Demming {868} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9c>, b. 28 Feb. 1758; m. Joseph Bates.

Martin Demming {869} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9d>, b. 22 Feb. 1762; m. Rhoda Hawley, whose mother was sister of Seth Warner. When thirteen years old he entered the revolutionary army as Fife Maj.; served five years; was at the battles of Bunker Hill and Bennington. After the war, he with his brother, Sylvester, bought cattle and drove them from Arlington to Philadelphia.

Sylvester Demming {870} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9e>, b. 18 Feb. 1765; m. Chloe Hart; res. in Arlington, Vt.; was an extensive farmer and a lender of money, Justice of the Peace, member of the Legislature; had two children.

Lusina Demming {871} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9f>, b. July 1767; m. Aaron Stone; res. in Chenango Co., N. Y.

Rhoda Demming {872} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9g>, b. 25 Jan. 1770; m. Daniel Clark, b. in Colchester, Conn., 15 May 1761, son of Dr. Alex Clark; he d. in Arlington, Vt., 7 May, 1831; she d. 16 Feb., 1853; he was Adj. Gen. of Massachusetts at the time of Shay's rebellion; later a merchant in Shaftsbury, Vt.

Dolly Demming {873} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6e.7a.8h.9h>, b. 28 Feb. 1773; m. Deacon Erastus Kellogg {1057} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6g.7f.8a.9j>.