JOANNA KELLOGG {275} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f>, dau. of James {68} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k>, b. in Hadley, about 1742; m. as his second wife (pub. 28 Feb. 1765}, Stephen Goodman, b. 26 Dec. 1742, son of James Goodman, b. 7 Feb. 1707, and Anna Phelps, and great grandson of Deacon Richard Goodman of Cambridge 1632, Hartford 1639 and Hadley 1661, and Mary Terry, whose sister, Abigail, m. Lieut. Joseph Kellogg {17} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c>.
He d. 28 June 1802; she d. 31 Aug. 1831, aged 89.
Lived on homestead of Lieut. Joseph in Hadley, and managed the ferry which had been conducted by Joanna's father, James {68} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k>, and grandfather, John {25} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d>, and great grandfather Lieut. Joseph {17} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c>.
Children (born in Hadley):
Joanna Goodman {817} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9a>, b. 1 Dec. 1765; d. 3 Dec., 1765.
James Goodman {818} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9b>, b. 13 May 1767; d. --- in Mobile, Ala.
Joanna Goodman {819} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9c>, b. 20 Feb. 1769; m. Perez Jones of Windsor, Vt.
Stephen Goodman {820} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9d>, b. 19 Nov. 1770; d. ---, in the West.
Mercy Goodman {821} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9e>, b. 17 Nov. 1773; d. 12 Sept. 1776.
John Kellogg Goodman {822} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9f>, b. 18 June 1776; rem., 1802, to Jersey City; d. 29 Oct. 1853.
Sylvester Goodman {823} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9g>, b. 19 Nov. 1778.
Spencer Goodman {824} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9h>, b. 5 June 1781.
Mercy Goodman {825} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7k.8f.9i>, b. 18 Aug. 1783; m. Cotton Smith.