CAPT. SAMUEL KELLOGG {61} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d>, son of John {25} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d>, b. in Hadley, 1 Apr., 1687; m. (1) 8 July 1714, his cousin, Mary Ashley {109}, b. 12 Mar., 1694 ; she d. 8 Apr. 1728; he m. (2) 3 June 1728, his cousin, Rachel Ashley {110}, b. 14 Feb., 1695.
He d. 27 May, 1761; was buried in Westfield, where his gravestone is still standing.
He rem. to Westfield, where he was first mentioned in the records 10 Mar. 1712, when the town, at a meeting of its inhabitants, made him a grant of ten acres of land in "ye little plain next to Samuel Ashley's not hindring a way (road) that may be needfull, on condition said Kellogg do fence and improve said land within three year's time, provided he settle in ye town."
At a town meeting, 9 Mar., 1713, it was voted to give to Samuel Kellogg £12 in money on condition that "said Kellogg build a substantial bridge over 'too' mile brook by ye middle of Apr., next, if ye water do not prevent, if he has a good bargain he is to abate, if a hard bargain, the town to alow him more." At a meeting, 14 Jan. 1714, he, with Capt. Joseph Maudsley and Samuel Bishop, was granted "liberty to build a saw mill and grist mill at ye half mile fall and they are to have the liberty of the stream no longer than they keep a mill or mills in repair for ye use of ye town."
He, without doubt, built the second meeting-house in 1721. He was admitted to the church in Westfield, in 1712, and his wife was admitted in 1716.
He probably continued his residence at the Little Plain place (so called in his first grant of land), until the town granted to him, 20 Jan. 1721, "10 acres of land on the Easterly side of Mann's brook, over against David Ashley's farm between said Ashley's and ye top of ye hill." This last lot was granted in exchange for his old place, north of Great River.
He took up several hundred acres of land near this brook. This new and mountainous country abounded in game, and Capt. Samuel, a fine shot, took great delight in the chase.
Children (born in Westfield, by first wife):
JOSIAH {251} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8a>, b. 11 Dec. 1715; d. 19 Dec., 1715.
SAMUEL {252} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8b>, b. 9 Nov. 1717; d. in Westfield, 21 Oct. 1744.
DAVID {253} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8c>, b. 30 May 1721; m. Elizabeth Jones.
SETH {254} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8d>, b. 15 May 1723; d. unm., 21 Nov. 1753.
A DAUGHTER {255} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8e>, b. 19 Jan. 1724; d. same day.
A DAUGHTER {256} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8f>, b. 19 Jan. 1724; d. same day.
A SON {257} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8g>, b. 25 Jan. 1725; d. same day.
JOHN {258} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8h>, b. 5 July 1727; m. (1) Anne Terry; (2) Anne Lord; (3) Mrs. Jemima Ward.
Children (born in Westfield, by second wife):
JUSTUS {259} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8i>, b. 17 Mar. 1729; d. unm., 6 Sept. 1747.
MARY {260} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8j>, b. 24 Oct. 1730; m. Samuel Terry.
SHEM {261} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8k>, b. 1 Jan. 1732; d. unm., 3 July 1757.
SARAH {262} <1.2b.3a.4f.5c.6d.7d.8l>, b. 25 July 1734; m. Nathan Truman.