WILLIAM KELLOGG <1.2a>, eldest son of Nicholas <1>, b. ---; m. Alice ---.

He was buried in Saffron Walden, 2 Feb. 1578.

She was buried 25 Oct. 1587.

He owned a farm in Saffron Walden called "The Roose."  In the Manorial Court of Debden, 12 May 1576, "It was presented that William Hall, many years ago, surrendered to the Queen by the hands of Thomas Borley, a tenant, in the presence of John Biston and John Salmon, a tenement called Coches, otherwise Hubberds, as appeared by the rool of the court for 7 Henry VIII  (A. D. 1515), to the use of Florence, his daughter, and William Kellogge and the heirs of the same William which same William is kinsman and next heir of the said William Hall, deceased, viz.: son of Florence formerly daughter of said William Hall-William Kellogg is admitted." His will, dated 20 Apr. 1578, proven in the Archdeaconry of Colchester, 15 May 1578, mentions his wife, Alice, and son, John, and three children of his son John, viz., Thomas, Mary and John. He bequeathed a small sum to his son and his grandchildren, and the rest of the estate to his wife for her life and after to "John, the son of the above said John my son and to the heirs of the said John, son of the said John my son, forever." Phillip Bird, gentleman, was one of the overseers.

Her will was dated 30 Mar. 1585. The same persons were named in her will as in his. After small bequests to the others, she bequeathed all her lands, tenements, etc., to John Kellogg, the son of her son John and "to the heres of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and for defaulte of issue of the bodye of the said John lawfullye to be begotten then to remain & to be vnto Thomas Kellogge one other of the sonnes of the said John Kellogge my sonne & to the heires of his bodye lawfullye to be begotten and soe from one sonne to another son of the bodie of the said John Kellogge my sonne lawfullye to be begotten lyneallye descendinge the one successivelye followinge the other duringe soe long as anye shal be in life."

At the Manorial Court in Debden, 9 Oct. 1594, it was presented that, "since the last Court John Kellogge had surrendered by the hands of Edmund Wright, in the presence of Thomas Sothie and Henry Hammond, meadow land called Rushmeade lying in Lyston Field; land in Shortgrave Field and a tenement called Coches otherwise Hubberds to the use etc., of Robert Greene and his heirs." (This was part of the property which was surrendered by William Hall to his daughter, Florence Kellogg.)/p>


JOHN <1.2a.3a>, b. ---; m. ---. The will of his father, William <1.2a>, dated 20 Apr. 1578, mentions him, his mother Alice and three of his children, Thomas <1.2a.3a.4a>, Mary <1.2a.3a.4b> and John <1.2a.3a.4c>.